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As the weather starts to get colder, Michigan motorcycle enthusiasts are likely making the most of the days before the climate becomes less inviting to open-air riding. Unfortunately, even the most experienced riders still face the dangers posed by inattentive motorists. Those who suffer injuries may elect to file a wrongful death civil lawsuit with the help of a personal injury attorney against those parties who are deemed responsible for an accident.

Recently, a 60-year-old woman was operating her motorcycle in the northbound lane of a local road. She approached a local gas station. As she did so, a vehicle that was being driven by an 18-year-old woman pulled out directly into the travel lane of the approaching bike.

The impact resulted in the rider suffering severe injuries. She was transported to a local medical facility for treatment. Unfortunately, despite receiving in-patient care for approximately 15 days, the woman died from her injuries. None of the three passengers in the vehicle suffered any injuries in the collision.

Michigan officials have not completed their investigation and stated that once they have finalized it, the results will be sent to the state’s prosecutor’s office for a determination as to whether the other motorist would face any charges in connection with this fatal collision. The victim’s family is likely devastated by their loss and may struggle to adjust to life without her in the months and years ahead. When the gathered evidence suggests negligence on the part of another party, accident victims — or the surviving families of fatal victims — may have grounds to pursue a personal injury or wrongful death civil claim, as appropriate. These types of civil lawsuits, when successfully presented, may result in recompense for documented financial damages sustained.

Source:, “Motorcyclist dies 15 days after she was struck by vehicle“, Michael Kransz

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