Michigan is considered a strict liability state when it comes to dog bites and other injuries related to the actions of an animal. That means even if the dog’s owner had no indication the dog would bite, he or she can be held liable. Our attorneys at Harris Altman PC in Bingham Farms, Michigan, can help answer your questions about getting compensation after dog bite injuries.
It feels uncomfortable filing a claim against my friend after a dog bite.
Remember, most homeowner insurance policies cover dog bites. The dog owner’s insurance company will pay the cost of the medical expenses and other compensation after the injury. So while you may feel uneasy, know that your friend has insurance for emergencies such as this, and the cost is not coming directly out of his or her pocket.
I have minor medical expenses after a dog bite. Should I file a claim?
You are entitled to the cost of your medical expenses, whatever size they may be, after a dog bite. In addition, remember that when you document such an incident you can be protecting others from getting hurt as well. A dog bite, whatever the circumstances, should be taken seriously by dog owners. Sometimes it takes a wake-up call for a pet owner to truly evaluate the safety of their animal and take precautions in the future.
My relatives say their insurance will go up if I file a claim. Is that true?
It depends. Insurance companies can decide to increase premiums or even deny coverage for a dog bite or other injury resulting from the dog such as jumping up on a person and knocking them down. However, you are the victim here, not the person who is being held responsible for the actions of their dog. Don’t be further victimized by forgoing compensation you are entitled to because of guilt put on you by a relative.
More than one-third of insurance liability payouts for homeowners policies were for dog bites and other injuries, according to recent research by the Insurance Information Institute. They totaled $570 Million.
For A Free Consultation, Contact Harris Altman
For answers to your questions about compensation after dog bites and other animal attacks, contact Harris Altman at (248) 540-3100. Our lawyers represent those with injuries in Southfield, Farmington Hills and other areas surrounding Detroit and Michigan.
You also can get started by sending Harris Altman an email.